Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Welcome & my to-do list

Hi everyone! Welcome to Cathryn in London, where I will be detailing my preparations and eventually adventures in the British capital.

At the moment I am preparing for my trip - filling out visa applications, checking flight fares, etc. Once I get to London I intend to keep this blog so that my friends and family can see what I'm up to. I've never been great at blogging regularly (helloooo abandoned livejournal account) but hopefully the physical distance between myself and my loved ones will motivate me to keep in touch via other means. While personal emails and phonecalls are a whisper in the ear, this blog will be my megaphone. Expects photos, stories and perhaps some homesickness. I'm also kind of hoping that by writing regularly my skills as a written communicator might improve. While I love words, sometimes there just aren't enough in my head for me to be as articulate as I want. If I write more... I'll get better at it, right?

This is my current to-do list:

I will admit, I feel nervous about how long this list is considering today is the 15th of December, and I'm supposed to be there on the 4th of Jan. That's like... 3 weeks away! Not sure how I'm going to get it all done in that time, especially considering it's the Christmas holidays so lots of places (like consulates, banks etc) will be closed or have limited open hours. Nevertheless, I must soldier on. Must make stuff happen!

Also, don't forget to comment :)
