Monday, 9 January 2012

Moving on...

I move into my new room on Tuesday/Wednesday this week! I had a viewing on Saturday morning for a place in Colindale and the house/room/arrangement was very good. The live-in landlady was super friendly and seemed very keen to have me rent the room (so much so that when I called her up the next day to ask for the room she said she'd been saving it for me). I'm so looking forward to having my own space. I'm very used to hostels but I'm already over the one I'm staying in now. I think knowing I have my own space sitting a suburb away is possibly the reason for getting restless in this hostel arrangement so quickly.

This morning I have a minor enrolment-based freakout. I've been given two starts dates: 9th Jan (today) and the 25th, so I called up this morning to check. I know the morning that you may be expected to show up is very late to be doing that sort of thing but to be honest the thought didn't really occour to me until last night when I was trying to enrol online (a failure, btw - I'll have to do it when I get there in person) and the earlier start date started popping up. So I called up this morning and after being told I wasn't even on the system was given over to an arts admin who said I WAS set to study and that I should come in on Thursday morning to be given a space a shown around. Phew! Still not sure about classes though... not actually sure when I start but suffice to say it's not this week as they're still doing assesments.

Outside of uni-related stuff I'm planning an last-minute trip to Amsterdam this weekend to see a friend (Ella) who's just finishing up her exchange over there. Yay for suprise international travel! I will probably update with photos and such from that adventure when I get back. In the mean time have some photos from the past few days:
This is the view from my hostel, looking down Queens parade.

On Saturday Lydia (a friend from uni who's here on holiday) and I went to the Tate Britain. 

I love this photo, but it's kind of blurry which makes me all sorts of sad. It could have been so good! But alas, stealth photography seldom yields flawless results.

I saw this and thought of my friend Molly, who always complains that I use words that are much to big and that I don't know the meaning of (partly true).

Tiny boats, made of leaves!

Lydia and I out the front of Tate Britain. Lydia kindly lent me her Art in London book because she won't be needing it anymore and it's sure as hell gonna come in handy for me over the next few months here :)

Also yesterday I had some super delicious vegan noms at Inspiral Cafe in Camden Town after browsing the busy markets. I waddled out of the cafe having eaten a lasange with 3 sides (I picked sweet potato, roasted tomato and kale/broccoli/cabbage salad) and a raw banoffee pie for dessert. I really need to lay off the raw desserts: they always make me feel uncomfortably full and to be honest I'm not sure I like them enough to justify that. However, I think I'll definitely be heading back to try their other menu items and maybe their vegan icecream in the future. Today I have plans to visit Loving Hut in Camden for lunch, hit up Tate Modern and maybe go to a charity shop and get myself some mittens and long-sleeve undershirts. Might even splurge on a cosy big jumper if I find one I like :)

Anyway, that's all for now. Much love!



  1. I loved the pics. You look relaxed and happy which is always what a mum loves to see. cant wait to hear about amsterdam.
    love mum

  2. Great pics Cathryn. It looks like you've hit the ground running over there, especially if you start uni sooner rather than later. Would love to know how your accommodation goes and if the transport is easy to and fro. Look forward to the next update.


  3. Thanks mum and gyps :) I'm sitting in my new room now, most of my clothes are packed away and obviously I'm connected to the net which it pretty important to me at the moment. Transport to uni is super easy, it's either a 20min walk or a 2 min bus ride from the front of my house to the major intersection near my uni.

  4. I believe there is an Ice Festival in London.
    Sounds like you have a pretty hectic schedule but would love to see some pics if you get there.
